Writing sERvices
I’ll be your Writer’s-Block Buster
What I Do
Blog Articles
I write short-form and long-form blogs for your website. I enjoy researching the topic and writing quality material.
SEO Strategy
I research keywords in your industry and find opportunities for you to grow your organic reach with your content.
Information architecture
I help structure the site and the content in a way that makes sense and guides your customer to the desired action.
Content Strategy
After looking at your competition and keyword planning, we’ll build a strategy for content and I start creating it.
I will edit your writing for grammar, keywords, flow, and SEO. My job is to make sure your knowledge reads well online.
Creative Copywriting
To win business, you need excellent copy on your site. Your visitors want to be wooed by your words. Let’s guide them!

Blog Articles
Whether you are looking for a quick hit 500-word piece or an in-depth 1500-word analysis or anything in between, I can write it. I will do the research necessary to write a well-planned blog and include the links to support my case.

Maybe you like to write about what you do, but you know you aren’t a great writer. That’s where I can help! You put your thoughts on (digital) paper, then I’ll come organize it so we communicate to our readers clearly.

Info Architecture
We need to get the information your customers want to them in the most streamlined manner. Together, we’ll discuss what your customers need and how to get them there with as little friction as possible. Then, we make sure your website and content reflect that flow for your customers.

Content STrategy
Writing content is only one part of the equation. Before you hammer out the blogs, you need a plan for where the blogs are going. What are you driving customers towards? Can you turn some blog posts into a headline-grabbing e-book? These are the things we need to discuss to see the big picture for your content.

SEO Strategy
Do you know what people are typing into their Google searches? We can take a look at that. Once we know how people are searching, we can craft a strategy of pages and posts that will answer their queries. As we build your content machine, more customers will find their way to your site.

Creative CopyWriting
A website needs great copy to convince people to stay on the site and buy from you. It also needs to be non-jargony. Someone not from your industry who can write clever punchlines would be ideal… Someone like me. Call me, maybe?