by Johnny | Nov 6, 2016 | blog, political
The Clinton campaign recently asked, “are we going to vote for a better future”? Well, honestly, our votes don’t matter much (if at all) but even if they did – a better future is up to US, the people, not a politician (see: liar). The real...
by Johnny | Nov 5, 2016 | blog, political, Social
This article on fixing rape culture is really good. I love her idea on how to shift responsibility. As one of the men who already does/says stuff like “j’adoube” (I adjust) before moving into a position that a woman might feel uncomfortable, this is not...
by Johnny | Nov 4, 2016 | blog, Health
GQ gave a seven product guide to a handsomer face. Here’s a 22 product guide for women – because you need to buy 3 times as many products (joking)! But… if you want a universally applicable guide, I have the 3 things that work for everyone: 1...