It’s Time We Cut Each Other Some Slack

It’s Time We Cut Each Other Some Slack

We should really lighten up on each other. We have such high expectations and demands of people and get super frustrated easily. We get so mad at each other when something doesn’t go exactly as we wanted, even when we didn’t communicate that expectation....
How to Respond to Being Friendzoned

How to Respond to Being Friendzoned

Leave. Immediately. DNR. (do not respond… or do not resuscitate – your feelings for this person) Friend zone is rejection 9 times out of 10, bro. The girl just wanted to phrase it nicely so you wouldn’t get too mad (which is silly, because...
Life Tip of the Week: Saying Sorry

Life Tip of the Week: Saying Sorry

Stop saying sorry. Or start saying it. Depends on who you are. I know both types: the ones who say ‘sorry’ all the time, like a reflex to anything that might have made someone even mildly inconveniencedĀ for half a second and the cold-hearted ones who have...
You are in Control of Your Own Happiness

You are in Control of Your Own Happiness

You have a choice. You can be happy or not. Your call. Are we in control of everything in life? No. Is some foreign power (higher, lower, whatever) in control of your life? No. Some things happen to us and we don’t control that (tsunami, drone strike, born into...
Stop Trying to Change Your Partner

Stop Trying to Change Your Partner

If you’re trying to change your partner, you are wasting your time. You’re also just going to get hurt. So spare yourself the time, effort and pain: don’t bother. Live and let live. Find someone you are actually compatible with. Believe it or not,...
5 Reasons You Deserve Better

5 Reasons You Deserve Better

There’s a lot of reasons you deserve better than you’ve been taking. I phrase it that way because, face it: we accept the love we think we deserve. So, if you’re getting shitty versions of “love”, then it’s most likely because you...
The Truth About Modern Dating

The Truth About Modern Dating

I see all these negative articles about modern dating. I don’t know. I could complain a lot too. But I don’t. At least not to many people. And not in public. Nobody likes complainers. Like most things in life, dating is what you make of it. Granted, you...