Do We Have Rape Culture and White Privilege?

Do We Have Rape Culture and White Privilege?

Rape culture is real. This is particularly obvious on college campuses. Now obviously there’s a big difference in American Rape Culture, which tolerates rape and blames victims, and the extreme brutality of rape by Soviets to German women after WWII. Brock...
Progress is Being Post-Kaepernick

Progress is Being Post-Kaepernick

With the total fallout that happened over Sit-Gate (and Castro-Shirt-Gate), we need to reassess ourselves. What was the real goal? What is the real goal of the people who support Kap? What’s the goal of the people who don’t? If you supported Kap, where are...
Top 3 Keys to Recruiting College Players

Top 3 Keys to Recruiting College Players

With football season kicking off, it’s time we start thinking about 2017 as well. Everyone knows you need to do top-notch recruiting for your school to prosper. The system is messed up in so many ways, but I’ll start with how to win the game as it is now:...
How MLB Should Expand the League and Playoffs

How MLB Should Expand the League and Playoffs

I’ve written about this 3 times before. But all those posts are gone forever. So I get to start over. However, my old picks for expansion: Nashville, TN (I’m a little biased) and Vancouver, BC are looking like top potential targets for MLB expansion now....