I Sometimes Wish I was a Really Hot Girl

I Sometimes Wish I was a Really Hot Girl

I admit it. From time to time, I wish I was a really hot girl. They get thousands of likes/comments on a basic photo of themselves. They can get a million followers for doing practically nothing (but be hot). If they’re smart, they can turn all that into revenue...
3 Things You MUST Use for Younger-Looking Skin

3 Things You MUST Use for Younger-Looking Skin

GQ gave a seven product guide to a handsomer face. Here’s a 22 product guide for women – because you need to buy 3 times as many products (joking)! But… if you want a universally applicable guide, I have the 3 things that work for everyone:   1...

What It’s Like Being the Introverted Extrovert

I spent a lot of time alone as a kid – didn’t have friends. I played a lot of video games to escape. I found comfort there… But then the need for human connection got the best of me and I learned to make friends quickly and easily. So here’s...

Just Because She Eats Skittles Doesn’t Mean You Can

I hate this article for acting like Skittles is an acceptable thing for people to consume. That woman burns many thousands of calories per day with her workouts and running, and to top that off she has great genetics. Let’s not pretend like this would be a good...