Why We Should Have More House Parties

Why We Should Have More House Parties

I’m a little biased. I don’t like clubs and I met the most compatible girls I’ve dated at house parties. But I think the latter should count as a reason we should have more. I mean, not specifically so I can meet more girls to date – my current...
Budweiser is Un-American. Drink American.

Budweiser is Un-American. Drink American.

The label says “America” now, so let’s look at what it is to be an American beverage. For starters, Budweiser isn’t even owned by Americans. A Belgian mega-corporation owns it. From stalwarts such as Samuel Adams and Yuengling to new comers...
Equal Pay Should Be For Equal Work

Equal Pay Should Be For Equal Work

Every time we have equal pay conversations, I find a lot of logical fallacies and flawed arguments. On both sides people typically take. Like the soccer player, Hope Solo, demanding equal pay. The argument in the instance she uses is correct: the women’s US...
It’s Time We Cut Each Other Some Slack

It’s Time We Cut Each Other Some Slack

We should really lighten up on each other. We have such high expectations and demands of people and get super frustrated easily. We get so mad at each other when something doesn’t go exactly as we wanted, even when we didn’t communicate that expectation....
Life Tip of the Week: Saying Sorry

Life Tip of the Week: Saying Sorry

Stop saying sorry. Or start saying it. Depends on who you are. I know both types: the ones who say ‘sorry’ all the time, like a reflex to anything that might have made someone even mildly inconvenienced for half a second and the cold-hearted ones who have...